Official distributor
Farnell farnell : This English company is a world leader in distribution, service and solution of technological and electronic material. Farnell has made Kubii its official distributor in France for individuals.
The PI community
Element 14 thefirst online community specifically for engineers. Connect with your peers and get your questions answered by experts.
Raspberry 314 raspberry 314 : Passionate about Linux and specialistof the little raspberry, François Mocq alias Raspberry 314 reveals us the news of Raspberry Pi and shares with us a lot of ideas and achievements.
Korben better known as Korben, Manuel Dorne is an influential geek blogger who publishes daily information, news and achievements on the computer and technological world.
Developper.com blog specialized
in the world of computer science, it offers news, tips and advice on open source software, computer science in general and especially our dear little raspberry Raspberry Pi.
Le Journal du Geek this space of sharing centered on the impassioned ones of hi-tech, video games, graphics and technology in any kind publishes regularly articles on the world of the open source and the many achievements.
Windtopik : Passionate about computers and the world of open source, Windtopik is a bit like Régis l'Hostis' laboratory. You can find tutorials, information and news.
NetworkShare networkShare : Site of product tests (smartphones, connected objects...), tutorials (raspberry pi) & tips, always related to the vast high-tech world... All in a good mood!
Magdiblog :Site entirely dedicated to projects based on the Raspberry Pi. Didactic and accessible, all projects are highly detailed to allow everyone to easily reproduce them at home.
Raspbian France this site offers different tutorials around Raspbian and the Rasperry Pi. The tutorials are simple and in French to be accessible to all.
Home and Home Automation home and Home Automation :Home automation in the house of Mr. Everybody or how to enjoy the comfort of home automation, without spending a fortune, or being a handyman! You will find here guides, tips, tests, tutorials..
Editions Eni creators and publishers of computer books (technical, graphics, office automation), Eni offers books around the Raspberry Pi. You can also find the Pi2 Pack (Book + Pi 2 Kit) at Eni in partnership with Kubii!
Never without my tie a web magazine made by and for young dynamic executives. Fashion, design, high-tech, cars, travels, culture, business are covered in the different articles.
Yes Are Makers oAM : OAM proposes to gather all the creative people, tinkerers, inventors and co by allowing them to share their realizations step by step and to be enriched by the ideas and the inventiveness of the other members.
Hackable Magazine hackable Magazine : Disassemble, understand, adapt, share! This is the motto of this magazine which helps you to progress in the fields of electronics, nano-computers or programming.
Antoine Guilbert antoine Guilbert : Blogger passionate about new technologies, Antoine Guilbert shares his thoughts on his blog since 2009. You can find on his site subjects as varied as: high-tech, photography, travel, etc.
CourTechZone courTechZone is the MakerLab of Courthézon. The objective: to learn in a creative way, to make and invent but especially to share and collaborate all together on the realization of projects.