What is Raspberry Pi?


The board

The Raspberry Pi designed in 2006 by Eben Upton, is an incredible computer at a very attractive price (from 5 € to 40 € depending on the model) and the size of a bank card!

This single-card system acting as a computer was developed by professors from Cambridge University. It gathers all the necessary components to run an operating system and to use it as a real PC. It runs, basically, under the Linux operating system.

How to run a Raspberry Pi simply ?

The foundation Raspberry Pi

Founded in 2009 by David Braben, the foundation Raspberry Pi wants to "put the power of computing and digital creation in the hands of people around the world."
With nearly 2 million Raspberry Pi sold per year, this small computer has revolutionized the computer world. Indeed, a true Swiss Army knife, the Raspberry Pi allows to:

- Facilitate the learning of computer programming

- Democratize the use of automation, robotics or home automation

- Develop specific applications

The Raspberry Pi makes digital technologies usable by all so that everyone can solve problems or create new projects.

There are currently five models:

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 1GB, 4 Model B 2GB, 4 Model B 4GB, 4 Model B 8GB
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+
Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Raspberry Pi Zero WH

This mini-computer is produced in the UK and built by the English company Farnell. Kubii.com is the official distributor in France of Raspberry Pi.

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For everyone

The Raspberry Pi is, in particular, more and more used in education and teaching, but also by large companies and individuals:

- Elementary school or high schools for introduction to computer science, programming, etc.

- BTS, IUT and universities for more advanced computer science, robotics projects, etc.

- Grandes écoles of computer science, etc. for projects and complex programming (e.g.: realization of an astronomical telescope allowing the analysis of many factors).

- Companies to build low cost systems (NAS, camera surveillance system, etc.)

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