Why use a Raspberry Pi?
The interest that public establishments can have in Raspberry Pi seems quite natural since in addition to its small size and its reduced price, this one is a true multifunctional work base.
The Raspberry Pi can indeed be used for various purposes:
- Programming/computing
- Micro-technology/micro-computing
- Realization of programs and applications (initiation or more advanced projects)
- Home automation and/or robotics
- Introduction and discovery of new operating systems (Linux, Raspbian, etc.)
- Access to computers for all at reduced costs
- Possibility to realize many projects at a lower cost and in a fun way (video wall, robots, software, interactive terminals, video games, home automation systems, etc.)
Why use a Micro:bit ?
The Micro:bit foundation has designed a nanocomputer specifically for teaching and learning. It is fun and easy to use. From elementary school onwards, it can be a fun way to discover the digital world and reassures schoolchildren or students of the difficulties that coding can represent.
This foundation has met with international success in the educational sector. More than 1,447 schools in Denmark were using a micro:bit in 2019. Studies in many European countries such as the Balkan countries show that 90% of teachers think that the Micro:bit will encourage students to calculate and code outside the classroom and 100% of teachers think it is a useful educational tool.
For teachers, Micro:bit offers kits to equip a whole class easily and at affordable prices.
Discover the micro:bit BBC kit
Administrative process
In order to better serve administrations, educational institutions or communities, KUBII offers payment by administrative order. This method of payment is only reserved for institutions under public accounting (university, school, town hall, CNRS, general council, ministry, etc.).
The procedure to follow to order is as follows:
1. Create your customer account in the name of the institution by selecting the administration field as your profile.
2. Create a basket with the items you wish to order and then transform it into a quote. Please make sure that the delivery and billing addresses are correct. Our bank details will be available when you select your payment method.
3. Once the quote has been validated by your organization, you can issue a purchase order.
Please make sure that the amount on your purchase order is equal to the amount of the order. VAT calculations may differ from one software to another. This difference can cause problems at the time of invoicing.
4. Stamp and sign the order form.
5. Send the order form and the reference of the estimate Kubii (4 digits) by email to :
6. The shipment of the products will take effect upon receipt and validation of all documents. You will then be informed of the creation of the order.
7. Payment is made by bank transfer within 30 days after receipt of the goods.
Additional information:
46-48 Chemin de la Bruyère 69570 Dardilly
SIRET : 80814031300020
INTRA VAT / FR 41 808 140 313
APE CODE / 4791A
If you have any question, please contact us at the following address: